Friday, January 2, 2009

YouTube - The QUESTIONS Series launches!

For those who may have had some basic questions about what we are doing, I am pleased to announce that we are providing very short, concise video answers to the most frequently asked questions. These videos have been grouped into a series called "The QUESTIONS Series" on our YouTube channel.

So far, only 5 videos have been loaded. There are a few more to come, but these should keep you busy for a while. Just press the "play" button to go through all of the clips in order or select a specific Question/Answer clip by holding your mouse cursor over the embedded player, then click one of the videos manually.

It should also be mentioned that you can easily embed this player (or any individual video from our YouTube page) by copying and pasting the embed code into your own blog, web page, or public forum. This is one great way that you (our friends and family) can help us to spread the word.

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