Sunday, October 5, 2008

The BIG one...

Forgive me bloggers, for I have sinned!

I humbly approach you this morning with fear and trembling. It seems that I have committed the single greatest sin of blogging: NOT BLOGGING.

As it happens, I have been overwhelmed by a maddening marathon of editing for one of my long-time clients, trying to hit a looming deadline and come out shining.

I am happy to report that the end seems to be near and my ability to regularly blog will once again rush back in. Nonetheless, I have to apologize for dropping off with nary an explanation.

In case you missed me... I'm about to return.


1 comment:

gerbmom said...

Just found your blog. My husband and I were in Jeremie in the Grand Anse Valley in July. I love the country, I love the people. We hope to come back again! We came with a group called New Life For Haiti that is sponsored by about 4 churches in the Chicago Area. We are partnering with a town called Marfranc.
I will be checking back often!
